Before you head off to your local polling place (find yours here:, consider this:
Only two candidates are running for President who actually stand a chance of being elected. Both have been proven time and again to be terrible decision makers. There is no need to point fingers and play the blame game; they are both guilty—THIS CANNOT BE DENIED. Perhaps the worst part about this election is that one of them WILL become the President. Alas, however terrible or unlikable these candidates and their policies may be, there is one issue that rises far above any other issue. It's bigger than taxes, bigger than trade, bigger than foreign policy, bigger than gun control, bigger than minimum wage and Wall Street and immigration and tuition. It's even bigger than drones, GMOs, climate change, and the LGBT community. How much bigger of an issue is this? It's infinitely bigger! If the issues were objects, this issue would be the entire universe and all it contains, while all the other issues I just listed, combined, would be smaller than a speck of dust. This issue so far surpasses any other, that it easily turns this election into a one-issue decision for anyone who holds this issue dear. This is the issue of LIFE! One candidate supports life, the other supports death. Yes, after all the crazy [smear] campaigning with which we've all put up, it really is this simple: Choose life or choose death. This truly is a life or death decision and is the most important issue that differentiates the two candidates. I can already hear people complaining that I'm twisting this to make it sound more evil than it is "it's being pro-choice, not pro-death." No. I am making this sound less evil than it is, by only using the word "death" and not explaining the torturous dismemberment and death that a person must go through because they have not yet their own way to talk (I say talk, because they do have a way of communicating—for example, a baby will recoil away from the foreign objects that will take their life. And why do they recoil? Because THEY FEEL PAIN! Because they don't yet breathe the air we do, they aren't human?). To those others saying, "it's the woman's body, she can do what she wants," again, no! It is not at all the woman's body! As a matter of definitive fact, it's a body inside the woman's body. This is plain and simple; there is no argument here. None. At all. The baby is NOT the mother's body. And we've already made it a law that a human person cannot own another human person, so what right does a woman have of forcing her child to an unnecessary death? None. It is only through selfishness and greed that one could possibly think otherwise.
When all is said and done, do you want the lives of thousands upon thousands of innocent children on your hands? Do you want to be responsible for their untimely deaths? If you believe in God, do you want to know that when you die, you have to tell Him that you supported the killing of so many innocent people, His most precious of all creatures (especially if you did it because you could save some money on taxes)?
I urge everyone to go out and vote for LIFE today!